MBA Hospitality Pro

MBA Hospitality Pro in Hospitality and Tourism Management

Prerequisite : Bachelor, Masters in all disciplines + at least 5 years of professional experience.
Duration of studies : 9 months (beginning of October – end of June).
Courses taught in English.
Start of the program* : the 1st Monday of October.
* Qualiopi certified

Objective: The MBA Hospitality Pro program aims to improve and develop the skills and knowledge of participants, equipping them with the management tools necessary to excel in their roles within the hospitality industry.

This intensive and rigorous higher education program offers its participants who already have at least 5 years of professional experience the opportunity to pursue ambitious careers, particularly in the international luxury hotel industry.

French State recognition leading to AIM’s Bachelor degrees.
Holders are officially entitled by this recognition as:
Directeur d’établissement de luxe en hôtellerie internationale (RNCP-Niv. 7).
In other terms: Director for International Luxury Hotels.
State approved renewal process of recognition: June 28, 2024

Success and professional integration*

Rate of obtaining RNCP-Level 7 certification (2016-2019) : 100%
Professional integration rate 6 months after the end of studies : 100%
(*) Updated December 6, 2021

Consult the Hotel and Tourism Management MBA Hospitality program

MBA Hospitality Pro Program

A 9-month training course, provided in English, for future operational executives in luxury hotels and high-end tourism.

Application for the BMBA Hospitality and Tourism Management


Profile, conditions and registration file.

Tuition fees for the Hotel and Tourism Management MBA Hospitality

MBA Hospitality Pro study fees

2024/2025 study fees for the MBA Hospitality Pro program.

A 4 to 8-month internship in a company enabling the implementation of your hotel management training


Each year of their training, after a semester of intensive courses, students leave for a 4 to 8 month internship in a company, allowing them to apply the lessons received.

Read testimonials from graduates of the Hotel and Tourism Management MBA’s program

International careers

The close cooperation between AIM and the most prestigious establishments in the world effectively prepares students for working life.

Professionals experienced in Hotel and Tourism Management

Teaching staff

Exceptional support from teachers, most of whom hold diplomas from the most prestigious schools, enriched with solid professional experience.